Paint, Painting, Image, Design, Abstract Expressionism

Dr. Norah P. Shultz

Additional Selected Scholarship


For the past two decades my scholarly work has been in the sociology of higher education, in topics such as the relationship of multiculturalism and internationalization in global curricula, general education, leading change in higher education, diversity, equity and inclusion, and student success. My primary teaching responsibilities throughout my career have centered on my long interest in research methods. Previously I served as a senior academic administrator at several universities, in roles such as Associate Vice President of Student Achievement (SDSU) and Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (Arcadia University). I completed my graduate studies (M.A., Ph.D.) at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania.   

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Concrete Building


Coming March 2026 from

Cognella Publishing

An Interactive e-Textbook:

Survey Research & Community


Network technology abstract background

Current Research

My research continues within the area of Sociology ​of Education, in the subfield of Higher Education. I ​have established a lab within the SDSU Department ​of Sociology’s Center for Community Research & ​Engagement, primarily focused on research ​opportunities for graduate students.

I am the co-PI on an NSF funded project, ​Foundational Mathematics for Engineers at San ​Diego State University, based in the College of ​Engineering.

I am working within the Center for Teaching Critical

Thinking & Creativity in the College of Education on a

research and applied project on first-generation

student success.

Concrete Building

Additional Selected Scholarship

Journal Articles

Bernstein, M., Benfield, J., & Shultz, N. (2016) Commitment and consistency can

promote student course scheduling effectiveness. Journal of Student Affairs Research

and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/19496591.2016.1194283.

Other Publications

Eger, J.M. & Shultz, N.P. (2017) Liberal Arts in the Core of the College Curriculum. The Huffington Post ​(online). 4/5/2017

Eger, J.M. & Shultz, N.P. (2017) Arts-based learning is yielding job benefits. San Diego Tribune (Op-Ed; online ​& print). 3/31/2017

Shultz, N. (2013) Learning Communities as a First-Step in an Integrative Learning Curriculum. About ​Campus, 18, (4), 26-29.

Recent Papers

Shultz, N.P. (2024) Building Communities through Career Education, American Sociological Assocation ​Annual Meeting: Intersectional Solidarities: Building Communities of Hope, Justice, and Joy, August 9 –13, ​Montréal, Quebéc, CA

Shultz, N.P. (2024) Is it Size that Matters? An Investigation into a Tragedy at a Human Society. American ​Sociological Assocation Annual Meeting: Intersectional Solidarities: Building Communities of Hope, Justice, ​and Joy, August 9 –13, Montréal, Quebéc, CA

Gomez-Fuentes, D. & Shultz, N. (2022) The Impact of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, Creative ​Activities & Service Learning on the Educational Achievement of Low-Income Latinx Students. Pacific ​Sociological Association 93rd Annual Conference, Telling Our Stories: Collective Memory and Narratives of ​Race, Gender, and Community Identity.

Shultz, N. (2021) Overcoming Resistance to Curricular Change. Pacific Sociological Association 92nd Annual ​Conference, The New Normal and Redefinition of Deviance, Virtual.

Geometrical Illustration


In January of 2018 my husband

and academic collaborator passed away

due to complications from Parkinson’s Disease. I have established a fund in his memory at Arcadia University’s College of Education

I have long been devoted to

companion animals and am a member of the American Sociological Association’s section on Animals & Society. For the past 20 years I have been primarily interested in supporting the rescue of domestic rabbits. Currently I am supporter of Wee Companions in San Diego and and foster house rabbits for San Diego House Rabbit Society.

I also participate in races to raise money for Parkinson’s Research

as a member of Team Fox.